There are multiple ways this can be taught. What are some?
What if everyone learned this lesson growing up?
Would the world be a much more understanding place if people could actually imagine another person, creature or objects perspective?
Yes, I believe that would really help a lot. Perhaps through simulations and via activities this can be done; in small bite sized pieces. If people experience something then they're much more likely to emphasize. I'm wondering if we can use some of the information we already have to craft some cool activities that people can do to put themselves into other's shoes & various experiences to learn in a creative manner. I always feel that it's better to learn it this way than have the universe put these situations upon people for real. I've had some successes with this with writing Chaha : Shattered. It's dystopian and in first person so people reading it can experience it via proxy by reading. A few activities based around this could help a LOT especially if we make them in a way so people either need to work with a diverse group of people to fulfill the activities successfully or if they assume different characters for the activities or both....
What do you think everyone?
When life gives you lemons, make Orange Juice!
All you gotta do is learn how to do it....
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